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Camera Technology Notice

LAST UPDATED: October 15, 2024

Sweep America Intermediate Holdings, LLC and its affiliates and subsidiaries (collectively, “SCA”) may install safety camera systems or other camera-based technologies in its vehicles in connection with SCA’s services (“Camera Technology”). This Camera Technology Notice describes how we collect and process personal information from Camera Technology in certain circumstances and explains what that means for you and how you consent to SCA’s activities.

What personal information may the Camera Technology collect?

  • Your name and the names of any co-driver(s) or passenger(s), and any corresponding identification information.
  • Biometric Data, which includes both:
    • Biometric Identifiers, meaning face image, face geometry, facial recognition, or other physiological traits.
    • Biometric Information, meaning any information, regardless of how it is captured, converted, stored, or shared, that is based on Biometric Identifiers, including a facial scan or scan of face geometry, that is used to identify an individual.
  • Audio recordings, which includes your voice, conversations, statements, and/or testimonials.
  • Video recordings of the vehicle interior (including occupants of the driver and passenger seats) and external views including to the front, right, left, and the rear of the vehicle. This footage may be uploaded from the Camera Technology to secure servers including, without limitation, in the following circumstances:
    • When you tell the Camera Technology to record and upload;
    • When the Camera Technology detects that a safety related event occurs (i.e. distracted driving, cell phone use, and speeding);
    • When requested by SCA;
    • When information useful to improve maps and routing is detected; and
    • When hazards or impediments that affect or prevent services are detected.
  • Information related to your operation of the vehicle, which includes:
    • Vehicle location and movements, such as distance driven, speed, acceleration, braking, turns, or following distance;
    • Contextual factors outside the vehicle, such as traffic lights and traffic signs, proximity to other vehicles, or whether the vehicle is in a construction or school zone;
    • Potential traffic violations, such as speeding, seatbelt non-compliance, or failure to stop at a stop sign; and
    • Potentially-unsafe driving behaviors, such as distracted or drowsy driving.

How may SCA use the personal information collected?

  • To verify your identity.
  • To promote your safety, and the safety of SCA personnel and others, including by providing real-time in-vehicle alerts when potentially-unsafe conditions or behavior are detected, and to support advanced safety features and driver assistance technologies.
  • To support safety programs and operations, such as to generate safety reports, to recognize positive and safe driving practices, or to provide feedback and training regarding proper road safety conduct.
  • To investigate accidents or other incidents, to support insurance claims or disputes, to support legal proceedings, or to defend SCA’s legal positions in legal proceedings.
  • To meet customer specifications, to troubleshoot and improve SCA’s services or the Camera Technology, including to improve the accuracy of mapping, routing, and navigation data, or to verify and improve the accuracy and precision of event detection capabilities and in-vehicle alerts.
  • To protect you, including to alert you when distracted driving or drowsy driving is observed.
  • To comply with applicable law.

Who will have access to your personal information from Camera Technology?

  • SCA. Your personal information may be made available SCA and authorized SCA personnel, including those who are responsible for the safety of drivers, investigation of accidents and on-road incidents, and the accuracy of in-vehicle alerts, through a secure portal hosted by us or the relevant technology partner.
  • Third-party service providers. Third-party service providers are permitted to access, use, and retain your personal information only for the purpose of providing services to SCA or to improve services provided to SCA as described in this Camera Technology Notice and only in a manner consistent with this Camera Technology Notice.
  • Insurers, authorities, opposing parties, and professional advisors. Under appropriate circumstances, such as insurance claims, disputes, investigations, or legal proceedings, your personal information may be disclosed to insurers, courts, governmental or administrative authorities, opposing parties, professional advisors, or as otherwise permitted under applicable laws.

SCA does not otherwise share personal information collected from Camera Technology with any third parties and does not sell such personal information.

How long does SCA keep my personal information?

SCA may collect or store your personal information and will have access to the personal information collected by the Camera Technology only until, and will request that any vendor or licensor destroy such personal information when, the first of the following occurs: the initial purpose for collecting and obtaining personal information has been satisfied, such as you terminating your relationship with SCA, or within three (3) years of your last interaction with SCA.

How is my personal information stored and protected?

SCA has reasonable safeguards in place to protect your personal information from loss, misuse, unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, and destruction, including, but not limited to, strict access controls, limited retention periods for electronic data, and password protections. These safeguards limit access to your personal information to authorized individuals who need to know the information to comply with the uses set forth in this Camera Technology Notice and SCA’s Privacy Policy.

Is my consent to all of the above required?

Yes, before you begin or continue your employment with SCA, you must execute SCA’s Vehicle Technology Agreement. In the event of a conflict between this Camera Technology Notice and the Vehicle Technology Agreement between SCA and you, the Vehicle Technology Agreement shall control.

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